Package 'Rtrack'

Title: Spatial Navigation Strategy Analysis
Description: A toolkit for the analysis of paths from spatial tracking experiments and calculation of goal-finding strategies. This package is centered on an approach using machine learning for path classification.
Authors: Rupert Overall [aut, cre]
Maintainer: Rupert Overall <[email protected]>
License: GPL-3
Built: 2025-02-20 04:15:16 UTC

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Calculation of spatial search path metrics.


Calculates a range of metrics from path coordinates.


calculate_metrics(path, arena)



An rtrack_path object as returned by read_path.


An rtrack_arena object as returned by read_arena.


Metrics are calculated based on normalised coordinate data and are made accessible to machine learning algorithms in the features element of the rtrack_path object. A relevant selection of metrics (with the same units as the raw data) is also available as the summary element. These can be useful for custom plots and are also the values exported by export_results. Extended metrics are also available as separate elements of the rtrack_metrics object.


An rtrack_metrics object containing metrics of the search path. This object is required as input for the call_strategy and plot_path functions.

See Also

read_path, read_arena, and also read_experiment for processing many tracks at once.


track_file <- system.file("extdata", "", package = "Rtrack")
arena_description <- system.file("extdata", "Arena.txt", package = "Rtrack")
arena <- read_arena(arena_description)
path <- read_path(track_file, arena, track.format = "")
metrics <- calculate_metrics(path, arena)

Calculation of search strategies.


Calculates search strategies from path metrics.


call_strategy(metrics, model = "default")



An rtrack_metrics object from calculate_metrics, a list of such objects or an rtrack_experiment object.


The strategy calling model that should be used. Default models have been implemented for for Morris water maze and Barnes maze (mwm_rf_v7 and mb_rf_v1 respectively; both trained on mouse data).


This function implements a classifier based on a trained random forest model. If the model parameter is left at "default", then the default model for the appropriate experiment type will be automatically selected. Please note that search strategies are only available for Morris water maze and Barnes maze at this stage. It is expected that other models will be added in the future and your feedback is welcome.


An rtrack_strategies object. The calls element contains the called strategy/strategies as well as confidence scores for all possible strategies.

See Also

threshold_strategies, plot_strategies.


track_file <- system.file("extdata", "", package = "Rtrack")
arena_description <- system.file("extdata", "Arena.txt", package = "Rtrack")
arena <- read_arena(arena_description)
path <- read_path(track_file, arena, track.format = "")
metrics <- calculate_metrics(path, arena)
strategies <- call_strategy(metrics)
# Inspect the strategy call

Check experiment data.


Checks that the experiment description is well-formed and complete.


  format = NA,
  interpolate = FALSE,
  project.dir = NA,
  data.dir = project.dir,
  author.note = "",
  threads = NULL,
  verbose = FALSE



A spreadsheet file containing a description of the experiment or a trackxf file containing an exported experiment archive.


An experiment description for reading raw data can be provided as an Excel spreadsheet ("excel") or as a comma-delimited ("csv") or tab-delimited ("tab", "tsv", "txt" or "text") text file. The value "trackxf" indicates that the file is an archived experiment in the trackxf format (as generated by export_data). Default (NA) is to guess the format from the file extension.


Ignored. For compatibility with read_experiment.


A directory path specifying where the files needed for processing the experiment are stored. Ignored if format = "trackxf".


A directory path specifying where the raw data are stored. This is a folder root and all paths specified in the spreadsheet. Ignored if format = "trackxf".


Ignored. For compatibility with read_experiment.


Ignored. For compatibility with read_experiment.


Ignored. For compatibility with read_experiment.


Information about a full experiment can be assembled into a spreadsheet (Excel, CSV and tab-delimited text formats are supported) and used to process large numbers of files in one batch. This function checks the spreadsheet to make sure that it is properly formed and that all the data files referred to are present.

The function can (and ideally should) be run with the same parameters as will be used to call read_experiment, although many of the parameters are not required for the check.

The content of the spreadsheet, the presence and the content of any supporting files are also checked. Checks do not cover validity of the raw data, so it is still possible to have invalid data even if check_experiment returns TRUE (although this suggests an underlying problem with the raw data). Warning and error messages are intended to be useful and help any format issues be quickly resolved.


Invisibly returns TRUE for a successful check or FALSE otherwise.

See Also

read_experiment, export_data.


experiment.description <- system.file("extdata", "Minimal_experiment.xlsx",
  package = "Rtrack")

Export experiment data to a trackxf file.


Creates a representation of the experiment data in the trackxf format and writes this to file.


export_data(experiment, file, tracks = "all")



An rtrack_experiment object from read_experiment.


The file to which the archive will be written. This should ideally use the file extension .trackxf although other extensions are also possible. If the filename is given without any extension (recommended), then the .trackxf extension will be added automatically.


Which tracks should be exported. Default, "all" exports the entire experiment object. A subset of tracks can be specified using either numeric indices or a vector of track IDs following usual R standards.


The exported trackxf file contains all the raw data and experiment metadata. The trackxf archive contains exactly the same information as if reading from raw data. Calculated metrics are not exported, but can be recreated exactly.

A formal description of the trackxf JSON format can be found in the schema file at

See Also

read_experiment to import the archive back into an rtrack_experiment object.


experiment.description <- system.file("extdata", "Minimal_experiment.xlsx",
  package = "Rtrack")
experiment <- read_experiment(experiment.description, format = "excel",
  project.dir = system.file("extdata", "", package = "Rtrack"))
tempfile <- file.path(tempdir(), "Minimal_experiment.trackxf") # Temporary file
export_data(experiment, file = tempfile)
imported.experiment <- read_experiment(tempfile, format = "trackxf")
# Experiments are identical except for export timestamp/notes
all.equal(experiment, imported.experiment)
identical(experiment$metrics, imported.experiment$metrics)

Export experiment results to a dataframe or file.


Binds experiment data together with analysis results and optionally writes this to file.


export_results(experiment, strategies = NULL, tracks = "all", file = NULL)



An rtrack_experiment object from read_experiment.


An optional rtrack_strategies object generated by call_strategy. If present, the strategies corresponding to the tracks in the experiment (after subsetting using the tracks parameter) will be extracted and returned in the results.


Which tracks should be exported. Default, "all", exports the entire experiment object. A subset of tracks can be specified using either numeric indices or a vector of track IDs following usual R standards.


The file to which the results will be written. If NULL (the default), the data will be returned as a data.frame.


If only the results matching a thresholded subset of strategies should be exported, then this can be achieved by performing strategy calling and thresholding separately and passing the strategies$tracks component of the resulting rtrack_strategies object to this function as the parameter tracks. This will restrict the output of export_results to only the tracks where an above-threshold strategy has been determined.

If the parameter file is supplied, the file extension will be used to determine which format to save the file in. The formats ".csv", ".csv2" (see write.table for details of the formats), ".tsv" ( tab-delimited text; can also be written as ".txt" or ".tab") and ".xlsx" are supported. If the file extension is not in this list, the data will be written as tab-delimited text with a warning. Note that the Excel ".xlsx" format is supported, but the older ".xls" is not.


A data.frame containing the experimental groups and factors (as supplied in the original experiment description) together with the summary metrics. This is returned invisibly if file is specified.

See Also

call_strategy, threshold_strategies.


experiment.description <- system.file("extdata", "Minimal_experiment.xlsx",
  package = "Rtrack")
experiment <- read_experiment(experiment.description, format = "excel",
  project.dir = system.file("extdata", "", package = "Rtrack"))
# The code below returns a data.frame.
# Use the parameter 'file' to write to a file instead.

Check the format of a track file.


A helper utility to determine the raw data format.


identify_track_format(filename = NULL)



A raw data file containing path coordinates. If this is NULL or missing, then a message is given listing all of the possible format codes.


Raw data from several sources can be read in directly. A number of formats are supported, but it might not be clear which format code corresponds to your data. This function can be run on a typical file to try to guess your file format. If the format is not recognised, please visit the help page at where it is also possible to request support for new formats.


The format code as a character string. This code can be used as the track.format parameter for read_path or in the _TrackFileFormat column in the experiment description passed to read_experiment.

If the track format cannot be determined, NA is returned.

When run without a filename parameter, a character vector containing all supported format codes is invisibly returned.

See Also

read_path, or read_experiment to read the track files.


track_file = system.file("extdata", "", package = "Rtrack")

Plot a path density map.


Plots a density map ("heatmap") of the path.


  title = NULL,
  col = (grDevices::colorRampPalette(c("#FCFBFD", "#9E9AC8", "#3F007D")))(256),
  legend = TRUE,
  feature.col = "black",
  feature.lwd = NA,
  lwd = 1,
  resolution = 600,
  margins = c(0, 0, 3, 0)



An rtrack_metrics object from calculate_metrics.


An optional title for the plot. The default is to use the path name saved in the rtrack_metrics object.


Colours for the density map. These can be provided as any vector of colours. The recommended (and default) approach is to use colorRampPalette. The default colouring is a simple white-to-blue scale.


Should a colour scale legend be drawn? Default is TRUE.


The colour to plot outlines of arena features (goals, objects, aversive zone etc., depending on the arena type). Black by default, but it may be useful to change this if a very dark colour scheme is used.


The width of the lines used to plot the feature outlines. By default this is drawn heavier to make them stand out.


The thickness of the lines used to draw the arena. Default is 1.


The resolution of the heatmap in pixels. The default is 600 x 600.


The margins of the plot (see the option mar in par). The defaults should normally not need to be changed.

See Also

calculate_metrics, plot_path.


track_file <- system.file("extdata", "", package = "Rtrack")
arena_description <- system.file("extdata", "Arena.txt", package = "Rtrack")
arena <- read_arena(arena_description)
path <- read_path(track_file, arena, track.format = "")
metrics <- calculate_metrics(path, arena)

Plot a path.


Plots the path together with a representation of the arena.


  title = NULL,
  quadrants = FALSE,
  highlight = TRUE,
  margins = c(0, 0, 3, 0),
  path.lwd = NA,
  lwd = 1



A metrics object from calculate_metrics.


An optional title for the plot. The default is to use the path name saved in the metrics object.


Should the quadrants be marked on the plot. Default is FALSE


Should key features of the path be highlighted? Default is TRUE. The type of highlight depends on the plot type: For Morris water maze and Barnes maze, this will draw the section of the path equivalent in length to the distance between the start and the goal in red. For active place avoidance, the perimeter of the arena is annotated with a red point at the median and a line extending from the lower to the upper quartile. For other experiment types, this parameter is currently ignored.


The margins of the plot (see the option mar in par). The defaults should normally not need to be changed.


The thickness of the line used to draw the path. By default this is drawn heavier to make them stand out.


The thickness of the lines used to draw the arena. Default is 1.


The path is plotted together with the context of the arena. The three concentric zones of the arena (the wall, outer wall and annulus) are drawn in progressively lighter shades of blue. The goal is a filled circle in orange and the old goal is drawn in grey. The direct path to goal is shown as a broken orange line and the "approach corridor" (in transparent orange) is defined as a triangle fanning out from this line by 20 degrees either side. The path itself is drawn in black with the initial path (the section of the path equivalent in length to the distance between the start and the goal) drawn in red if highlight = TRUE.

See Also

calculate_metrics, and also read_experiment for processing many tracks at once.


track_file <- system.file("extdata", "", package = "Rtrack")
arena_description <- system.file("extdata", "Arena.txt", package = "Rtrack")
arena <- read_arena(arena_description)
path <- read_path(track_file, arena, track.format = "")
metrics <- calculate_metrics(path, arena)

Plot water maze strategies.


Plots the strategy usage for all groups.


  factor = NA,
  exclude.probe = FALSE,
  boundaries = NA,
  legend = TRUE,
  screen = FALSE,
  margins = c(5, 4, 4, 8),
  lwd = 2



The strategy calls as returned from call_strategy.


The experiment object as returned from read_experiment.


The factor by which the data should be grouped. The default, NA, means that all data will be shown in one plot. Specifying a grouping factor will cause a separate plot to be generated for each group.


Should data from probe trials be excluded (see Details).


Where should the boundaries between arena types be drawn (see Details).


Should a legend be drawn. Default is to add a legend to the plot.


Should multiple plots be drawn to one page. Default is FALSE. This can be useful for advanced layout using split.screen.


The margins of the plot (see the option mar in par). The defaults should usually be fine, but they can be overridden if, for example, factor names are very long.


The thickness of the plotted lines. Default is 2.


The strategies returned by read_experiment can be shown in a summary plot. In these plots, the fraction of subjects utilising a particular strategy is shown for each day/trial. If a factor is provided, then one plot will be made for each level of the factor. To view data for mutliple factors, they will need to be collapsed into one composite factor for plotting using this function. If probe trials were used, these can be ignored (not plotted) as the strategy use in the absence of the goal will be somewhat different. For this to work, a column named "Probe" must be present in the experiment description spreadsheet and must contain the value "TRUE" for each probe trial.

Boundaries are drawn (as broken vertical lines) between different arena types (for example between acquisition and goal reversal phases of a Morris water maze experiment). By default, these are added between each unique arena definition. If this is not appropriate, then this can be overridden by providing the boundaries parameter with a matrix or data.frame with two columns for the day and trial number respectively. Multiple boundaries can be defined by entering the day and trial index into rows of this table. Use boundaries = NULL to suppress boundary lines altogether.


A list of strategy call information.


# This function relies on data too large to include in the package.
# For a worked example, please see the vignette "Rtrack MWM analysis"
# in the online package documentation at

Plot path metrics.


Plots the metrics that have been calculated from path coordinates.


  factor = NA,
  factor.colours = "auto",
  x.axis = NA,
  type = NA,
  point.type = NA,
  transparency = 0.25,
  exclude.probe = FALSE,
  boundaries = NA,
  legend = TRUE,
  titles = TRUE,
  margins = c(5, 4, 4, 8),



The variable/metric that should be plotted. See Details for the ways to specify this.


The rtrack_experiment object as returned from read_experiment.


The factor (from the table in experiment$factors) by which the data should be grouped. Each factor level will be plotted as a separate series. If not specified, all values are plotted together in one series.


A colour to be used for each factor level. If not specified, colours will be automatically generated. The vector of colours is returned to allow additional plot customisation.


The scale of the x axis. "Day" will add a labelled axis with tick marks at each day. If this parameter is set to "Trial", then tick marks are added for each trial. If set to "none", then no x axis will be drawn. Default (NA) selects an option appropriate for the experiment type.


The type of plot to draw. Either "p" for a side-by-side stripchart with individual points, "l" for a line graph showing medians and whiskers/error bars for upper and lower quartiles, "b" for both of these overlaid, or NA (the default) indicating that the function should choose the most appropriate type for the plot.


The type of point to draw. Either "o" for open circles, "x" for filled circles or any of the integer values allowed by R (see the pch option for par).


A value from 0 (fully transparent) to 1 (fully opaque) governing the transparency of the points. If filled symbols are used, then transparency can help distinguish overlapping points.


Should data from probe trials be excluded (see Details).


Where should the boundaries between arena types be drawn (see Details).


Should a legend be added. Default is TRUE.


Should titles be drawn. Default is to add a main title and titles for the x and y axes. These can be suppressed and added afterwards (using title). This might be helpful for localising to a different language for example.


The margins of the plot (see the option mar in par). The defaults should usually be fine, but they can be overridden if, for example, factor names are very long.


Other parameters that control some aspects of the plot. The values for lwd, las, pch and cex can be adjusted in this way.


Many of the summary metrics (as returned in the summary component of the calculate_metrics output are useful for analysis in their own right. These can be plotted as mean values over each trial with standard error bars. If a factor is provided, then one data series will be plotted for each level of the factor. To view data for mutliple factors, they will need to be collapsed into one composite factor for plotting using this function. If probe trials were used, then "latency to goal" and several other variables do not make much sense, so the data for the probe trials can be suppressed. For this to work, a column named "Probe" must be present in the experiment description spreadsheet and must contain the value "TRUE" for each probe trial.

The variable parameter can either be specified as the name of one of the summary metrics, the name of one of the columns from the experiment description, or as a numeric vector. In the latter case, the numeric vector must be the same length as the number of tracks in the experiment.

Boundaries are drawn (as broken vertical lines) between different arena types (for example between acquisition and goal reversal phases of a Morris water maze experiment). By default, these are added between each unique arena definition. If this is not appropriate, then this can be overridden by providing the boundaries parameter with a matrix or data.frame with two columns for the day and trial number respectively. Multiple boundaries can be defined by entering the day and trial index into rows of this table. Use boundaries = NULL to suppress boundary lines altogether.


A named vector of colours used for each factor level.


# This function relies on data too large to include in the package.
# For a worked example, please see the vignette "Rtrack MWM analysis"
# in the online package documentation at

Read an arena description.


The user will normally not need to call this function directly. Use read_experiment instead.


read_arena(filename, description = NULL)



A file specifying the arena.


A data.frame containing parameters specifying the arena. If supplied, the filename argument will be ignored. This is intended for internal use only and can be ignored.


Every path must be accompanied by a description of the "arena". This description includes arena size, goal coordinates etc. and is unique for every combination of these (i.e. a different arena description file is required for goal reversal trials).

The type parameter specifies the type of experiment. Current options are mwm (for Morris water maze), barnes (Barnes maze), oft (open field test), nor (novel object recognition task) and apa (active place avoidance, also known as the carousel maze). For the water maze, Barnes maze and APA, the pool/arena and goal platforms/holes are restricted to being circular (the square platforms sometimes used for MWM are approximated by a circle of a diameter equal to the width of the square. This is because the rotational orientation of square platforms is seldom recorded (the behaviour of the package regarding this detail may be changed in future versions).

This function does not need to be explicitly called if read_experiment is being used (in that case, specify the arena file names in the column "_Arena").

Quadrants are defined such that the goal is centred around the north quadrant. Note that this means that the quadrant assignment will change in the case of a goal reversal experiment. This simplifies the experiment set-up considerably without imposing restrictions on more complex (e.g. multiple reversal) study designs.


An rtrack_arena object containing a representation of the arena, which can be passed to read_path.

See Also

read_path, and also read_experiment for processing many tracks at once.


arena_description <- system.file("extdata", "Arena.txt", package = "Rtrack")
arena <- read_arena(arena_description)

Read experiment data.


Reads a spreadsheet containing a description of all the files required for an experiment to allow batch execution.


  format = NA,
  interpolate = FALSE,
  project.dir = NA,
  data.dir = project.dir,
  author.note = "",
  threads = 1,
  verbose = FALSE



A spreadsheet file containing a description of the experiment or a trackxf file containing an exported experiment.


An experiment description for reading raw data can be provided as an Excel spreadsheet ("excel") or as a comma-delimited ("csv") or tab-delimited ("tab", "tsv", "txt" or "text") text file. The value "trackxf" indicates that the file is an archived experiment in the trackxf format (as generated by export_data). Default (NA) is to guess the format from the file extension.


This is passed to the read_path function and specifies whether missing data points will be interpolated when reading raw swim path data. Default is FALSE.


A directory path specifying where the files needed for processing the experiment are stored. Default (NA) means the project files are in the same directory as the experiment description (specified by filename). Ignored if format = "trackxf".


A directory path specifying where the raw data are stored. All paths specified in the experiment description spreadsheet are interpreted as being relative to the data.dir directory. Default is the same directory as project.dir. Ignored if format = "trackxf".


Optional text describing the experiment. This might be useful if the data is to be published or otherwise shared. Appropriate information might be author names and a link to a publication or website.


The number of CPU threads/processes to run in parallel. The default is 1, which will use just one single thread. A value of 0 will try to use the maximum number of available cores (using multi-threading if available). Using all of the available threads/logical cores may not be sensible though, depending on your hardware. Note that for some Linux machines with multi-threading capabilities, the number of threads detected might be the same as the number of physical CPU cores. Negative values will start the default number of threads minus the given number.


Should feedback be printed to the console. This is only useful for debugging and takes a little longer to run. Default is FALSE.


Information about a full experiment can be assembled into a spreadsheet ( currently Excel and CSV formats are supported) and used to process large numbers of files in one batch. The project directory (project.dir) is where the arena description files are found. This will typically be the same place as the experiment description file (and is set to be this by default). This does not need to be the same as the current working directory. An optional data directory (data.dir) can also be specified separately allowing the storage-intensive raw data to be kept in a different location (for example on a remote server). Together, these options allow for flexibility in managing your raw data storage. Individual tracks are associated with their raw data file, experimental group metadata, an arena and any other parameters that the strategy-calling methods require. Required columns are "_TrackID", "_TargetID", "_Day", "_Trial", "_Arena" "_TrackFile" and "_TrackFileFormat" (note the leading underscore "_"). Any additional columns (without a leading underscore) will be interpreted as user-defined factors or other metadata and will be passed on to the final analysis objects and thus be available for statistical analysis.

For details on how interpolation is performed (if interpolate is set to TRUE), see the documentation for read_path.

For larger experiments, it might be helpful to run the experiment processing on multiple CPU cores in parallel. To do this, simply specify the number of processes ("threads") to use.


An rtrack_experiment object containing a complete description of the experiment.

See Also

read_path, read_arena, identify_track_format to identify the format of your raw track files, and check_experiment.


experiment.description = system.file("extdata", "Minimal_experiment.xlsx",
  package = "Rtrack")
experiment = read_experiment(experiment.description)

Read path coordinates from raw data formats.


You will normally not need to call this directly. Use read_experiment instead.


  id = NULL,
  track.format = "none",
  track.index = NULL,
  interpolate = FALSE,
  time.bounds = c(NA, NA)



A raw data file containing path coordinates. See details for supported formats.


The arena object associated with this track. This is required to calibrate the track coordinates to the coordinate space of the arena.


An optional name for the experiment. Default is to generate this from the filename provided.


The format of the raw file.


Only for formats where multiple tracks are stored in one file (ignored otherwise). This parameter indicates which section of the file corresponds to the track to be read. The exact usage depends on the format being read.


Should missing data points be interpolated. Default is FALSE. Interpolation is performed at evenly-spaced intervals after removing outliers.


A vector of length 2 specifying the bounds on the measurement times (see Details).


Raw data from several sources, including many commonly-used tracking platforms, can be read in directly. To get a list of the supported formats, use the command Rtrack::identify_track_format(). The "" format is a simple tab-delimited text file containing three columns "Time", "X" and "Y". The timestamp values in "Time" should be in seconds from the start of the trial recording and coordinates should be in real-world units (e.g. cm, in).

If interpolate is set to TRUE, then the raw data will be cleaned to remove outlier points and ensure that time points are evenly spaced. See the online documentation for details on the method used for each experiment type.

The raw path recordings can be truncated if necessary by specifying the time.bounds parameter. This is a vector of length 2 containing the earliest and latest time points that should be retained for analysis (any points outside these bounds will be discarded). A value of NA indicates that the path should not be truncated at that end (default is c(NA, NA) meaning that the path will extend to the start and end of the recorded values). The units used must match the time units in the track files. This option should not normally need to be set, but may be useful if data acquisition begins before, or ends after, the actual experimental trial (e.g. if recording was running during entry and exit from the arena).


An rtrack_path object containing the extracted swim path. This is a list comprised of the components raw.t (timestamp), raw.x (x coordinates), raw.y (y coordinates),t, x and y (normalised, cleaned and possibly interpolated coordinates).

See Also

read_arena, identify_track_format to identify the format code for your raw data, and also read_experiment for processing many tracks at once.


track_file <- system.file("extdata", "", package = "Rtrack")
arena_description <- system.file("extdata", "Arena.txt", package = "Rtrack")
arena <- read_arena(arena_description)
path <- read_path(track_file, arena, track.format = "")

Subset an rtrack_strategies object.


Subsets strategy calls based on a threshold.


threshold_strategies(strategies, threshold = NULL)



An rtrack_strategies object as generated by call_strategy.


A numeric value between 0 and 1.


For strategy-calling algorithms yielding a confidence score (such as call_strategy), a value between 0 and 1 will return a new rtrack_strategies object only including calls with a confidence score above the given threshold.


An rtrack_strategies object including only above-threshold calls. In addition, the component thresholded is set to TRUE if thresholding was performed.


track_file <- system.file("extdata", "", package = "Rtrack")
arena_description <- system.file("extdata", "Arena.txt", package = "Rtrack")
arena <- read_arena(arena_description)
path <- read_path(track_file, arena, track.format = "")
metrics <- calculate_metrics(path, arena)
strategies <- call_strategy(metrics)
# Inspect the strategy call (minimal experiment only has one track)
# Thresholding at 0.7 will retain the track (confidence = 0.72)
strategies = threshold_strategies(strategies, threshold = 0.7)
# Thresholding at 0.8 will discard the track, still returning an (empty) rtrack_strategies object
strategies = threshold_strategies(strategies, threshold = 0.8)